30 Amazing Environment Ads for Earth Day
Attention Mainstream Media: the financial crisis did not replace the environmental crisis on our doorstep.
Crumbling credit markets shouldn't overshadow the crumbling polar caps.
Bear markets are scary, but so are dying polar bears. So who is going to give us a sense of balance?
It is often the creatives at advertising agencies that are tasked with giving us perspective.
To remind us that we humans are battling a war on two fronts, both financialand environmental,
here are 30 amazing advertisements in honor of Earth Day 2009.
The Art of Kawano Takeshi

Artist Kawano Takeshi is naturally a bit concerned about global warming.
Including the main image atop this article, Mr Takeshi has created a series of images showcasing his own fears about the horror of a warmed future.
While his works are clearly a bit upsetting, they are equally as brilliant and visually stunning.
World Wildlife Fund Print Ads

The creative minds behind the WorldWildlifeFund's advertising are some of the best in the business.
The ads above are no exception, in fact they are perfectly indicative of the fund's work.
From spilled paint to animals made of garbage, these are some of the best visual works in green advertising.

The We Campaign hit the airwaves in August of 2008 with the goal of informing the public about the dangers of climate change.While their online ads aren't as impressive as their Gore-inspired TV works, their focus is noteworthy.The concept of the We Campaign is to highlight the common ground of humanity,the ties that bind-and how we, together, have to face this challenge as a collective unit.GREEN PEACE

GreenPeace is another common advertiser with some creative PSAs.
While not as visually compelling as the ads of WWF or others,
some GreenPeace ads like the "School of Trash" shown above state their case with strong creativity.
The Best of the Rest
Some of the most creative eco-conscious advertising has been the work of small,boutique firms or individual designers.
Others have been one-off ads with Earth-related themes for large brands - like the Diesel ad below
portraying the world after global warming has run its course. While the Unicef ad below is a clear standout,
each offer an unique perspective on the cause and effects of climate change, pollution and resource mismanagement.